
undefined Vulnet Demir
Soyadı Demir
Isim Vulnet
Takma adı Vule Demir
Doğum Tarihi 01.01.1998
Yaş grubu 1998
Boyu 165
Uyruk İsveç
Posisyon Forvet
Kulüp MFK Demir Hisar
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 10426
Vulnet Demir

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Info: Vulnet called Vule is a natural born footballs player. In field he´s like a mashine-The trainer has been calling him assin on the field. Vulnet has a great koncentration and know how to handle the fotball when the moment is right. His social play is great and he is the keyword in the play. Like the spider in a net. You have to have a comminikation to go forward in the play. (Fremdangabe)

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