
undefined Oussama Targhaline
Soyadı Targhaline
Isim Oussama
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 07.03.2003
Yaş grubu 2003
Boyu 186
Uyruk Fas
Posisyon Orta saha,Central midfielder
Kulüp Le Havre AC
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 4463
Oussama Targhaline

Futbolcuyu oylayın:

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August 2018: Oussama Targhaline ist aktueller U 17 Nationalspieler Marokko's (Morocco national football team).

Dezember 2020: Oussama Targhaline spielt für die U 20 Marokko's (Morocco national under 20 football team).

September 2022; Oussama Targhaline steht in der U 23 Marokko's (Morocco national under 23 football team).

Juni 2023: Oussama Targhaline wird in die U 23 Marokko's (Morocco national under 23 football team), den Total Energies U 23 Africa Cup of Nations in Marokko.

Juni 2024: Oussama Targhaline ist aktueller Nationalspieler Marokko's (Morocco national football team).

Futbol video Oussama Targhaline:
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