
undefined Ousmane Diarra
Soyadı Diarra
Isim Ousmane
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 25.10.2007
Yaş grubu 2007
Boyu 174
Uyruk Mali
Posisyon Forvet,Sol Acık
Kulüp Académie Génération Foot
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 1820
Ousmane Diarra

Futbolcuyu oylayın:

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Mai 2023: Ousmane Diarra steht in der U 17 Mali's (Mali national under 17 football team), für den CAF Total Energies Africa Cup of Nations in Algerien.

November 2023: Ousmane Diarra spielt für die U 17 Mali's (Mali national under 17 football team), die FIFA U 17 Weltmeisterschaft in Indonesien.

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