
undefined Mladen Marinković
Soyadı Marinković
Isim Mladen
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 01.11.1998
Yaş grubu 1998
Boyu 145
Uyruk Sırbistan
Posisyon Orta saha,Defansif orta saha
Kulüp FK Osipaonica
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 6959
Mladen Marinković

Futbolcuyu oylayın:

11 ratings ø 0.45

Info: This player got a big talent. He is very good at running and carying the ball. He is got incredible shoot, because he's got a pseudonym 'Gerrard'. With his small height he has ability like faster than other players at his age, better dribbling and facility. He's only problem is physical weakness. He is also capable both in attack and in defence. I only can say that he is big, big talent. (Fremdangabe)

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