
undefined Mihajlo Uzelac
Soyadı Uzelac
Isim Mihajlo
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 18.05.1996
Yaş grubu 1996
Boyu 165
Uyruk Sırbistan
Posisyon Kaleci
Kulüp FK Rad Belgrad
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
Web sitesi -
İzlenme 22825
Mihajlo Uzelac

Futbolcuyu oylayın:
70 ratings ø 1.29

07.11.07: Mihajlo Uzelac is young, but very talented goalkeeper. He won rewards for best goalkeeper on many tournaments. He is international goalkeeper for Serbia 1996 squad. He has great reflex, he is very good in "one on one" situations, he rushes out of his line often, he has great handling skills... He is very brave, once he broke two of his fingers in first half and finished the game without conceding a goal with some great saves. Three next games he played with broken fingers until he recovered from injury. He goes on goalkeeper trainings too. His goalkeeping coaches are Viborg Koceic, and his assistant Nikola Josimovic (Fremdangabe).

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