
undefined Marcos Durán Figueroa
Soyadı Durán Figueroa
Isim Marcos
Takma adı Prince of Persia
Doğum Tarihi 29.09.1985
Yaş grubu 1985
Boyu 185
Uyruk İspanya
Posisyon Forvet
Kulüp ------Archive-Professional------
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 22714
Marcos Durán Figueroa

Futbolcuyu oylayın:

87 ratings ø 0.14

04.01.06: Marcos Durán Figueroa is a fast and clever striker, he can score easily in the games. Very agresive with one excelent shoot in the medium and large distance. Durán Figueroa wechselte zur Saison 2006/2007 von Cadiz zu Esfahan Zobaran.

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