
undefined Jules Alex Nyom
Soyadı Nyom
Isim Jules Alex
Takma adı Jules Nyom
Doğum Tarihi 03.01.1984
Yaş grubu 1984
Boyu 190
Uyruk Kamerun
Posisyon Kaleci
Kulüp Rovaniemen Palloseura (RoPS)
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
Web sitesi
İzlenme 16055

Jules Alex Nyom hat für die U-17 und U-20 Kameruns gespielt.

Info: Best goalkeeper 2nd division 2002, 2003,2004 -2nd best goalkeeper Division1 : 2005 -National Team: U17; U20; -National Military team:2006/2007 -best Goalkeeper in the All Camerounian soccer tournament in Atlanta(USA) -Champion of the 2008 NPSL Midwest -2nd in the Final Four (NPSL) -Champion of the NPSL Midwest conference and Champion of the NPSL Regionals -champion of the 2009 NPSL Midwest conference and Regional Champion. 2009 NPSL Midwest MVP ( best goalkeeper)

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