
undefined Jovan Blagojević
Soyadı Blagojević
Isim Jovan
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 15.03.1988
Yaş grubu 1988
Boyu 175
Uyruk Sırbistan
Posisyon Orta saha,Oyun Kurucu
Kulüp FK Radnik Bijeljina
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
Web sitesi
İzlenme 15089

Info: From his debut as 16 yo. He is a standard senior first squad member and the most perspective young midfield player of the league Although youngest,he is a team leader,captain and The player for every free kick (long distance,short distance,corners. ) due the extremely strong and accurate shot(kick) So many time a player of decision by goals from distance,free kicks and assistance A excellent both legs technician,great pitch(game) overview and the leading assistant of his team A very strong in duels(on the ground,in the air) Many time elected as player of the match,league team of the week by leading serbian Sport magazine Owns a many newspapers articles,photos and interviews According to serbian leading sport magazine,team leader, the most talented and the most Perspective young midfield player for past several years From his debut,a standard first squad member.

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