
undefined John O'Connor
Soyadı O'Connor
Isim John
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 26.06.1992
Yaş grubu 1992
Boyu 175
Uyruk İrlanda
Posisyon Forvet,Santrafor,Sag/Sol Acık
Kulüp --unbekannt--
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 26274
John O'Connor

Futbolcuyu oylayın:
44 ratings ø 0.68

Info: Not the tallest of people but great upper body strenghth, can hold the ball up very well and is very versatile can play in centre mid attick or defensive and can play on eother wings and can play as supporting striker or main striker,very quick nd has a lot of pace and very good vision and a lot of great skill.

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