
undefined Jacques Maghoma
Soyadı Maghoma
Isim Jacques
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 23.10.1987
Yaş grubu 1987
Boyu 180
Uyruk Kongo, Demokratik Cumhuriyeti, İngiltere
Posisyon Orta saha,Ofansif Orta Oyuncusu
Kulüp Birmingham City
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
Web sitesi -
İzlenme 23434

27.06.06: Jack Maghoma ist zentraler Mittelfeldspieler in der Spurs-Jugend.

30.06.07: Born in DRCongo in the town of Lubumbashi on the 23/10/87, from parents Rose and Edmond Maghoma, Jacques is a central midfielder who can also play on the right and left wing. With dual citizenship British/Congolese, Jacques Maghoma can represent either England or Congo. With great pace, extreme skill and power combine wih great dribbling qualities, Jacques can destroy a defence in a split of a second. A flair player, he is very direct, has an eye for the goal, decisive and incisive passes. The deadly combination of skill, pace, power, and hard work ehtic makes him one of the most invaluable player a team wants in the side. I have been watching him since his early days and this assessment reflects the player without prejudice.

03/2009: Jack Maghoma erhält eine Einladung zur konkolesischen A-Nationalmannschaft.

01. Juni 2009: Jack Maghoma wurde mit 11 anderen Spielern aus dem Kader für die Saison 2009/2010 entlassen und ist nun vereinslos. 

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