
undefined Devon Terry
Soyadı Terry
Isim Devon
Takma adı -
Doğum Tarihi 30.06.1996
Yaş grubu 1996
Boyu 0
Uyruk Avustralya
Posisyon Forvet,Santrafor
Kulüp FC Bulleen Lions
A-Milli futbolcu hayır
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İzlenme 11626
Devon Terry

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Info: Devon plays as a centre, left & right forward of both feet scoring/playing. He has been selected for the Victorian Champions League 09,10 and 11.This league is the highest league and for the development of talented players. Devon scored one goal per a match at this high level. Devon is rated as a Athlete of the highest ability by the Victorian Schools rating in all aspects of sport. Devon was selected to trial for the Victorian U14 state squad and made the 30 cut with two ankle injuries in the process of healing. Devon has recently been scouted by a Everton associated academy based in New Zealand for the development of talented players.Devon has been invited to trail at a UK based academy in March 2011. (Fremdangabe)

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